Who can use this feature?
- Administrators and instructors + back office
SportsNow offers you the opportunity to cancel classes quickly and easily. Registered participants will be informed automatically and the booking will be canceled accordingly.
Good to know
- The credit is automatically credited to customer passes. The duration of customer passes remains unchanged.
- In the event of an hour cancellation, registered members will be notified by both email and push message.
Step-by-step instructions
Cancel class
On the web
- Click in the admin area on «My participant sites».
- Find the desired class and click on «View participant list».
- Click on «Cancel class».
- A window opens with setting options for the cancellation.
- Official reason for the cancellation: You can optionally enter the reason for the cancellation.
- Extend passes of canceled bookings for one week: With a weekly class, you have the possibility to automatically extend all passes of the canceled bookings by one week. This feature is only available for weekly classes.
- If possible, rebook participants for next week: With a weekly class you can rebook all participants to next week, if there is a lesson of this class next week and there are enough spots available. This feature is only available for weekly classes.
- Click on «Cancel class».
In the app
- In the admin-mode press «Participant» and press on the desired class.
- Press «More» - «Cancel class».
- A window with setting options for the cancellation will open, like on the web. (see above)
- Click on «Confirm» to perform the action.
Restore class
On the web
Click on «Restore class».
A window opens with settings for the restoration.
Restore bookings that were canceled by the cancellation: Activate this option if you want to restore the bookings that were cancelled by the cancellation.
- Click on «Restore class» to perform the action.
In the app
- Press on «Restore class».
- A window opens with settings for the restoration.
- Restore bookings that were canceled by the cancellation: Activate this option if you want to restore the bookings that were cancelled by the cancellation
- Press on «Restore class» to perform the action.