Who can use this feature?

  • Administrators and instructors + back office
  • Premium MAX PRO / Add-On «Automatic reminders» 

SportsNow offers you the possibility to automatically issue reminders in case of non-payment of your members. Thereby two reminders can be configured, whereby you can enter the triggering after a desired number of days after the due date, respectively after the 1st reminder. 

Step-by-step instructions

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio» - «Further settings» - «Payment settings».
  • Scroll down to «Automated reminders».
  • Check the box next to «Automatically trigger and send 1st reminder».
  • Day(s) after due date: enter the number of days after which the first reminder should be sent automatically.
  • For a second reminder, check the box «Automatically trigger and send 2nd reminder». 
  • Day(s) after 1st reminder: enter the desired number of days after sending the 1st reminder, after which the 2nd reminder should be sent. 
  • When you are finished, click on «Save settings».