Who can use this feature?

  • Administrators, instructors + back office and instructors
  • Premium MAX / Add-On «Appointment scheduling»

SportsNow offers you the possibility to make individual appointment bookings. You can create individual appointments for a personal training, a device or a room so that they can be booked online for your members (optional). Below you will learn how to make your appointments bookable for your members.

Good to know

  • Booking appointments for several people: By default, only one member can be booked per appointment. To book another member for the same appointment, create a new appointment with the same data for this member.
  • You can select an individual color for each team member, so all appointments of the team member appear directly in the selected color. To do this, click on «Set up my studio» - «My team» in the admin area and set the colors for the team members individually. 
  • An overview of all your appointments can be found in the admin area under «My appointments». You can adjust booked appointments at any time, the free appointments are automatically recalculated to optimize your schedule. Moreover, you can also show the lessons of the timetable to have an overview of all classes.
  • With the function «Adjust the schedule dynamically if bookings with manual time slot or manual appointment duration were created», free appointments are automatically recalculated to optimize your schedule. This means that the next free date should automatically start after a manual booking, i.e. a booking with a manual time slot or manual appointment duration.
    Example: A booking was manually entered for 08:00 - 09:15 (15 minutes longer) instead of usually 08:00 - 09:00. By default, the next appointment would start at 09:00. With a check mark, i.e. with a dynamic appointment grid, the next appointment would start at 09:15.
  • In the admin area under «My appointments», appointments can be created independently of the booking times entered in the class settings.
  • Check the «Show shift schedules» or «Show absences» box to show the shift schedules/absences under «My appointments». This allows you to see directly when creating appointments for your members whether a team member is available at the desired time.

Step-by-step instructions

Create individual appointments

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio» - «My class schedule».
  • Click on «Add class».
  • Type of class: Select «Individual appointments» here.
  • Check the box «Publish appointments and activate online booking. The customer can book appointments independently online.», if your members should be able to book the dates themselves.
  • You can now select the days of the week and the time window on which a date can be booked.
  • When you are done, click on «Create class».

Individual appointments can only be created on the web.

Book appointments

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «My appointments».
  • You can now drag and drop the desired appointment to any date and time.
  • A window will appear on the left where you can adjust the appointment.
  • Date: Set the date for the appointment.
  • Begins at: When does the appointment start?
  • Ends at: When does the appointment end?
  • Repetition: If you want to make a series booking, you can do it here by clicking on «Weekly» and then selecting how long the series should last. 
  • Customer: Select the desired member.
  • Pass: Choose a pass for the member or buy a new one.
  • Team: With which instructor does this appointment take place?
  • After you have entered all details, you can click on «Book now».
  • A message confirms that everything worked.

In the app

  • In admin mode, you will find the function «My appointments» below in the tab. 
  • Alternatively, you can also move around in customer mode and find «My appointments» as usual under «Admin».
  • You can easily create an appointment by clicking on the «+» icon in the upper right corner. A new window will open where you can enter the appointment.
  • Search the member for whom you want to book the appointment.
  • Select the desired class.
  • Select the desired instructor.
  • Select the date and time.
  • Select the pass with which you want to book the appointment for the member.
  • If necessary, you can specify a repetition.
  • When you are finished, click on «Create now».

Edit and delete appointments

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «My appointments».
  • Click on the desired appointment and scroll down.
  • If you want to edit the appointment, you can now change the time and the instructor. 
  • Then click on «Action» - «Change appointment» to save the changes to this appointment only.
    When you want to save the changes to all following events, click on «Action» - «Change appointment and all following».
  • The date of the appointment to be edited can be changed via drag&drop. To do this, drag the corresponding appointment to the day and time when the appointment is to take place again.
  • If you only want to delete this appointment, click on «Action» - «Cancel».
    When you want to delete this and all following appointments, click on «Action» - «Cancel and all following».

In the app

  • Press on «My appointments».
  • Find the appointment you want to change and press on it.
  • You will see all the details of the appointment. If you want to edit the appointment, press «Actions».
  • Press «Cancel» if you want to delete the appointment. To edit the appointment, press «Change appointment».
  • Now you have the possibility to change the date, the time and the instructor.
  • When you have made the desired changes, press «Save».

How it works